Day 8 …Baie-Comeau

Our campsite last night was spectacular, breathtaking scenery! We lucked out and were able to camp right on the lake.

This morning we woke up to loon calls nothing nicer than that! We had our coffee and showers and headed out for a lovely kayak paddle on this stunning lake! The water was so calm and not a soul stirred!

After our paddle we loaded up and packed up camp and headed out again. Along the windy dirt road we came across a lovely waterfall!

Finally hit civilization again uploaded the blog from yesterday and grabbed another much needed coffee.

We then headed out once again pointing our nose in the Baie-Comeau direction, more construction and more rain!

As we passed our last ferry point Godbout I had said to Peter that it looked quite windy and rough on the water and hoped I did not get motion sickness, not even five mins later the radio cracked and Sandy told us the ferry had just been canceled due to rough weather!!

So the rush was on to try and get re-booked for tomorrow morning which means we now have to back track to Godbout!

So we treat ourselves to a nice comfy bed tonight with flush loos and lots of hot water 🤣 Catch up on a bit of work and missed calls and a nice dinner 😊

An early drive back to catch ferry in Godbout tomorrow fingers crossed that the weather cooperates for us

…..over and out!